Alexander Aris, MS, MA, is a practitioner of Process Work, also known as Process Oriented Psychology, and a graduate of the Masters in Process Work program of the Process Work Institute of Portland, Oregon. Process Oriented Psychology is a school of transpersonal psychology and psychosocial facilitation with centers in over 20 countries worldwide founded by Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., an MIT trained scientist and former analyst and training analyst at the Jung Institute of Zurich, bringing together depth psychology, new physics, dreaming and somatic experience.
Alex has trained extensively in clinical work with individual clients, as well as in facilitating relationship, family systems, and group processes. He also holds a BA in philosophy and an MS in mathematics and has completed a Certificate in Ecopsychology through Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Passionate about all dimensions of processwork in his ongoing practice, he has special interests in ecopsychology and ecotherapy, fundamental cultural transformation, race and diversity issues, and Arnold Mindell's conceptions of Quantum Mind, the subject of his MA thesis. A speaker at Science and Nonduality US 2019 conference, the leading North American science and spirituality conference, Alex has originated a process oriented philosophy of mathematics as a universal science of consciousness bringing together new physics and transpersonal psychology and drawing on his backgrounds in philosophy and mathematics while building on Mindell's Quantum Mind: The Edge Between Physics and Psychology.
A biracial person of color from a multicultural background, Alex is the co-creator of the first ever retreat for people of color at Breitenbush Hotsprings Retreat and Conference Center, bringing together Process Work with meditation, movement practices, and other modalities, reflecting longstanding personal practice and experience with retreat in the Vipassana and Zen traditions, as well as the interactive meditation practice of Insight Dialogue. He has also had engagement over many years with diverse aspects of transformational culture and culturally creative gatherings.
Processwork/Process Oriented Psychology
On the staff and facilitation team for the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology Worldwork 2020 conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Alex's special interests in Worldwork include race and social justice issues and the interface between Processwork, ecology and new science.
Science and Nonduality
Alex's presentation The Mathematics of Nonduality was featured at the Science and Nonduality US 2019 conference.
A Retreat for People of Color: Growth, Empowerment, Resilience at Breitenbush Hotsprings